Friday, March 20, 2009

science projects

  1. Science projects that the people who made so many project like the magnet rock what was a rock that can sitck to metal any can of metal. It was a project that you had to rub the rock on the magnet 5 times inoder to make the sitck to the paper cilp. It takes 5 seconds for the rock to charge. Also this project like is called the hamster run there was two hamsters that were timed by their owners. it the black and brown hamster 33 seconds get to it's owner. The other one was black it took 45 seconds for that hamster. You can got to this website called

Friday, March 13, 2009

games are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like games you can find cheat codes from one of this cool website

you can find games that good cheat codes.Theres little cheat codes now but there be more cheat codes. So think still find some games you find.

It also it haves Internet game links on there to.
He's making story's and chapters.
I hope you can find you can.