These are the top WII games you should play. 1st top WII game you should play spider-man web of shadows. The story starts like this. Peter Parker gets the black suit again from Venom. (evil super villain of spider man) So spider-man spreads the black suit to the citizens of new york and they turn to symbiotes which is the black suit that spider-man wears. So the citizens start attacking other citizens so they can spread the symbiotes. Well Venom is the leader of the symbiotes so he commands them to attack. In this game you can choice if you want to be the read suit or the black suit. This WII game is different than the other game systems because you can change your costume. These are the costumes. The Ben Riley costume, the 2099 spider-man costume, the iron spider, the amour spider-man, and carnage spider-man. Also you can choice which side your on the villain side or the hero side. One more thing you can meet super hero's and team up with them. Thank you for reading my post and read my next one.
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